What Is The Right Type of Skip Hire For Bathroom Renovation Waste?

When carrying out bathroom renovation, one of the most important things you will need to consider is how to effectively dispose of all the waste obtained from the washroom remodelling process; that’s exactly where you can take the help of the skip hire. Many companies offer skip hire services, Mitcham and nearby locations. Choose the one that fits your requirements and budget.

The professionals recommend hiring a larger builder’s skip for bathroom clearance service. These skips are large enough to accommodate all the waste products and bathroom fittings that need to be thrown away. Here are some useful things you need to know before hiring a skip for bathroom renovation waste removal.

What Type Of Washroom Waste Should Be Kept In The Skip?

A skip is one of the most useful ways to eliminate a huge amount of solid waste. Some examples of items that you need to keep in the skip are-

  1. Building rubbles
  2. Ceramics
  3. Hardcore materials like tiles, quarry waste, bricks and crushed rocks
  4. Furnishings
  5. Metal and plastic items
  6. Packaging, including cardboard and plastics
  7. Solidified paint

Some people think they can put anything in the skip, but this is not a good practice. The skip provider will refuse to take the waste if it is not suitable for the skip. Even in the worst scenario, such waste products can pose a risk to someone else.

What Type Of Waste You Cannot Put In The Skip?

To protect living beings and the environment, here are some of the items that you cannot keep in the skip, and they are-

  1. Clinical and medical waste like dressing and syringes
  2. Fluorescent tubes
  3. Hazardous and toxic materials
  4. Liquids
  5. Paint and solvents
  6. Asbestos
  7. Batteries

Consider Recycling Washroom Waste Before Putting Them in Skip

 Your bathroom has some items that you can recycle. For example, the bottles and containers are worth sending for recycling rather than putting them in the skip. The items suitable for recycling include-

  • Shampoo and conditioner bottles
  • Shower gels and bubble bath bottles
  • Cardboard boxes, soap boxes and toilet roll tubes
  • Bathroom cleaner and bleaching bottles
  • Cans of deodorants and shaving foam
  • Moisturiser bottles

Keeping all recycled items in a separate bin is good for waste management. Alpha Skip Hire is the trusted name that comes to mind when you plan to hire a skip for waste disposal. This company provides skips of different sizes as per the client’s requirements. If you want to hire skips, get in touch with us.

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